What Does It Take To Get A Multifocal Contact Lens?
What Does It Take To Get A Multifocal Contact Lens?Honestly, what does it take to get into a pair of multifocal contact lenses? I know they�re used for correcting the effects of astigmatism and presbyopia. I happen to know a bit about multifocal vision correction in general--and I should. After all, my father is named Benjamin Franklin (no, really) and Benjamin Franklin invented bifocals. But my experience with multifocal contact lenses has been rather limited, despite my best efforts. Even direct questions to my optometrist failed to produce any results.
My Life in Technicolor Glasses
I have a long personal history of vision correction. I got my first pair of glasses when I was eight years old. It was a fate I couldn�t avoid, with both my parents contributing poor eyesight genes. After being fitted with my mildly corrective lenses and pink speckled frames, my own eyesight continued to grow worse over time. I developed a habit of squinting even when I had just received a stronger prescription. One optometrist even recommended bifocal glasses to slow the deterioration of my eyesight.
The next optometrist reversed this prescription. Later, he detected astigmatism in my right eye. Although a multifocal contact lens could correct this disorder, my parents decided I was too young for contact lenses. I was ten at the time, so they were probably right. My glasses with green and gold frames would have to suffice for the time being.
When, at 13, the time finally came to give up my glasses for the freedom of contacts, my new doctor didn�t mention my astigmatism. Even when I brought it up, he didn�t really address the issue. Although I had thought that I wouldn�t be able to wear contacts because of this disorder, after two hours of struggling against my surprisingly strong blink reflex I walked out of the office without glasses--and without a multifocal contact lens to correct my astigmatism. To this day, astigmatism blurs the focus of my right eye. My doctor has yet to prescribe a multifocal contact lens to correct this. Now, in my twenties, my prescription seems to have hit a plateau. With 20/400 vision, I could be considered legally blind if it weren�t for my contact lenses, but I�m still waiting on 100% perfect correction of my astigmatism.
Multifocal Contact Lenses Coming up All Over--Almost
My father, the esteemed Mr. Franklin, is now in multifocal lenses. After wearing glasses to correct nearsightedness from the time he was in the first grade, Dad found his eyesight suddenly �improving� with age. As he tried to read materials at a normal distance, he would have to remove his glasses to focus better. Between his presbyopia and myopia, Dad needed a multifocal contact lens. Now he benefits from the invention of his illustrious namesake--a lot more than I ever did.
Ryan, my husband, has been consigned a fate similar to mine. He also has astigmatism. His past optometrists have insisted that hard contact lenses are the best solution for his vision problems, but at his most recent visit, he received a prescription for a soft multifocal contact lens to correct his astigmatism. After all that I�ve done to try to get into a multifocal contact lens prescription, I thought Ryan would be overjoyed to leave behind his hard contacts for the advantages of a soft multifocal contact lens.
However, Ryan wore his new soft contacts for a grand total of three days before relegating them to long-term storage in their plastic case. He explained that it had taken time for his eyes to grow accustomed to the hard contacts in the first place, and he�d hate to have to start all over again. Although he said he�d probably use them from time to time, the forgotten multifocal contacts taunt me from their plastic case.
And still I�m waiting for a contact lens to correct my astigmatism. I know they�re out there, but somehow they always seem to be just out of my reach.
About the Author
Jordan enjoys reading, ice skating and watching Law & Order. For more information on contact lens and multifocal contact lens, visit www.discountcontacts.info.
Is it safe to buy color contacts online? If you compare color contact lens prices at the doctor's office and at online contact lens shops, you will see that online you can get your lenses 50 to 70 percent cheaper. But you may ask, why such...
Source: www.color-contacts.thecatcollar.com
Creative Sensor to produce liquid lenses by year-end 2006 - DigiTimes
![]() DigiTimes | Creative Sensor to produce liquid lenses by year-end 2006 DigiTimes, Taiwan - Creative Sensor Incorporated (CSI), a Taiwan-based maker of color contact image-sensor modules ... are also engaging in the development of liquid-lens modules, Hsu ... |
Source: news.google.com
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