Color Contacts Articles and News

News, Views and Articles relating to Color Contact Lenses and Eye Care.

Location: United Kingdom

Thursday, July 13, 2006

The Best Way To Buy Color Contacts

If you are in the market for colored contacts, you need to look for the best way to purchase them. By the best, we mean getting high quality products that are priced right. The good news is that you can find a wide range of options to consider in this regard. Most of those that are looking for color contacts are looking for a good option but also want to get a good price. Here's how to do just that.

No matter if you need prescription colored contacts or non prescription, you will need to visit your eye doctor before attempting to purchase them. This is because your eye doctor will need to insure the health of your eyes and size your eyes. Once they do this, though, do not purchase your colored contacts there. In fact, unless they are having some really great sale, it's not even worth stopping after you get that prescription.

Instead, take your prescription for colored contacts and go on the web. The retailers on the web can often offer you the lowest prices on contact lenses period. They do this because they specialize in it. They will likely have the most unique selection of contacts to select from, if that is what you are looking for. Or, they will have the perfect color combination for your needs. With so many to select from, it may take you a bit of time to determine which the best is for you.

When looking for and purchasing colored contacts on the web, you should consider several things. You should always purchase them from reputable dealers. You should take the time necessary to determine which of these dealers is offering you the lowest price. And, you should insure that they are offering some sort of guarantee for your needs as well. The guarantee should provide for the quality of the colored contacts. That is, if you find that something is wrong with them or that they are not fresh but poor quality, you should be able to get your money back or get a new pair.

Some online websites will offer you color contact samples to help you to find the best color for your needs. This can be very handy when you will be purchasing colored contacts that will change the color of your eye from light to dark or dark to light. Also, if you would like just a subtle change, go for a colored contact that offers to enhance you eye color instead of just changing it. Some people will have trouble with going from a dark colored eye color to that of a light. These free samples and guarantees can help you to get the best possible product without the cost of large investments.

Anyone that is in the market for colored contacts should consider the wide range of products they have available to them. Take your time to find the right location to purchase them from. Then, make sure that you shop around at least a bit to find the lowest price on them. Then, you will have the eye color that you want and need and the very best product to provide this to you.

About The Author:

Donna Somerkin specializes in eyewear and


Throughout time there have been various means of correcting vision. There was the monocle, then the glasses that were on a chain or a stick, and then there were eyeglasses as we know them today but there were not as many styles as there are now. As technology improved the lenses of glasses were getting smaller. Since many people were always losing or breaking their eyeglasses they were hoping for a way to wear glasses and not have to worry about them being lost or breaking them.

Contact lenses came along and they were great but expensive. If you lost them or dropped them you would have to get new ones. I knew of someone who lost one of her contact lens and she had developed an infection in her eye. The doctor examined her only to find the contact lens had slipped and was not in the proper place. Traditional contact lenses were rigid and took some getting used to.

People were looking for softer and more flexible lenses and lenses they could easily put in. Softer lenses came out and then because they had to be removed every night and cleaned, people started to long for lenses they could wear all the time. As the prices came down and more people were able to purchase contacts, they were getting sick and tired of cleaning them all the time and of the expense of all the cleaning solutions needed.

It would be great, they thought, to be able to throw out the lenses each night and eliminate the need for the cleaning solution. 1987 saw the introduction of disposable contact lenses and they were design-ed to be worn for a specific amount of time before having to be re-placed. There are some terms and explanations that you need to be familiar to understand disposable contact lenses.

  • Disposable Contact Lenses - they are discarded and replaced after two weeks if not sooner.

  • Frequent replacement lenses - they are replaced every one to three months. Traditional/Reusable - these are replaced every six months if not before.

  • Extended wear lenses - you can sleep in them for up to two weeks.

  • Daily disposable lenses are removed and discarded every night eliminating the need for cleaning solutions. You and your doctor should determine the replacement schedule. The wearing schedule defines how often you remove, replace, or discard your lenses.

  • Day and night Contact Lenses - You wear these lenses day and night for up to 30 days. You then remove them and dispose of them. It is my personal opinion that if you can tolerate them the Day and Night Contact lenses would be the best idea. Imagine what you can do with all the time you save because you aren�t busy cleaning your lenses every night.

The more lenses are replaced the healthier your eyes will be. Over time there can be a build up of calcium, lipids, and proteins on them and make your eyes very uncomfortable and make you prone to infections. Some people wear disposable lenses for theatrical purposes and use color changer lenses. There are all kinds of contact lenses including those with logos and animal eyes.

What are some of the benefits of using disposable contact lenses?

  • There is lower risk of infections, lenses are sterile

  • There is not enough time for calcium and protein to build up on them.

  • They result in clearer vision.

  • They are not for use with cleaning solutions.

  • There is no worry about having cleaning solutions or storing them.

  • Daily disposables are ideal for people who suffer from allergies, especially during the high allergy season.

  • The are great for people who wear contacts only a few days a week. They are also cheaper if you wear them only a few days a week.

  • If you rip your lenses or lose them, you simply discard them and open a new package.

The benefits of disposable contact lenses are greater than eyeglasses. Some people keep a pair of glasses just in case something has to happen to their lenses.

The decision to use contact lenses including disposable contact lenses should be discussed with your eye care physician. A careful examination should be conducted as well. Do your research some manufacturers of contact lenses will offer you a free trial for at least a week.

You can get disposable contact lenses from eye care places or you can get them online. Either way you will need to have a prescription. Be aware that not everyone can wear contact lenses and only you and your doctor can decide that. You need to decide if you can afford them. Talk to the manufacturers and see if they have any special offers and/or trial periods. Do your research; see what kinds of lens are available for your prescription. Do what is best for you.


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About The Author

Martin Smith is a successful freelance writer providing advice for consumers on purchasing a variety of products which includes Bifocal Contact Lenses and Contact Lenses, and more! His numerous articles provide a wonderfully researched resource of interesting and relevant information. Visit